Ask the MB: Casual Watch and Strap

The Watch: Nixon often tries too hard, so choose wisely. We're fans of vintage, so do some poking around ebay or your local antique shops; you might find something cool. For new, our favorite watch shop is Howard Marx's Westcoastime*. He just got in 50 custom pieces of the Ollech & Wajs "Kartago." This is a fantastic Swiss-made watch that definitely meets your "snap on with any outfit" criterion. It's likely a little much for a college student's budget ($429.00), but unlike anything from Nixon, you'll enjoy it through graduation, marriage, kids, and likely beyond.
The Strap: We've previously argued in favor of nylon, and definitely recommend it as the best choice alongside the casual wardrobe of the typical college student. Now that it's summer, mix in a stripe of color.
* We have no relationship with Westcoastime beyond being regular customers.