The Van Gundy Rule: An Update

Ten days later the Orlando Sentinel suggested Van Gundy's mock turtlenecks qualified under the letter of the rules, which state coaches and assistant coaches must wear:
(a) A long or short-sleeved dress shirt (collared or turtleneck), and/or a dress sweater;
(b) Dress slacks, khaki pants, or dress jeans;
(c) A sport coat;
(d) Dress shoes or boots (but not including sneakers, sandals); and
(e) Socks.
Any MB knows there is a world of difference between a turtleneck and a mock turtleneck, and it would appear Stan Van Gundy does, too, as he coached the Magic's season opener against Washington in a point-collar woven (and down about 15 pounds).
In other news, chronic mock turtlenecker Tiger Woods -- also in a collared shirt -- was at the Magic opener as well.