Magnificent Bastard

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tip the MB: Prairie Oyster

Tip the MB: Prairie Oyster
In reference to a recent question regarding breakfast drinks, may I suggest a Prairie Oyster? The mix of egg yolk and vinegar to fine cognac qualifies as senseless lack of utility, and also as Anglophilia, thumbing one's nose at fine French cognac tradition. Some may argue that the Prairie Oyster is strictly a hangover cure, but if one is not hungover every breakfast in Hawaii, well, they don't really deserve to be there do they?

Prairie Oyster (from David Embury's Fine Art of Mixing Drinks)

1 oz Cognac
1 tbsp Vinegar
1 tbsp Worcestershire
1 tsp Catsup
1 tsp Angostura Bitters

Drop the yolk of an egg into the mixture, add a small dash of cayenne. Swallow, without breaking the yolk of the egg.




Neat Scotch

Into a warm rocks glass or snifter, pour your best blended or single malt. Try to make it of legal age, and remember to stop before the rim.


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Minneapolis, Minnesota

-3° Partly Cloudy

Neat Scotch

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