Magnificent Bastard

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Arnold Schwarzenegger Will Be Back...At Precisely 11:30 AM

Arnold Schwarzenegger Will Be Back...At Precisely 11:30 AM

Earlier this month, the New York Times predicted that "retro-chic watches with cases smaller than 40 millimeters" will be, in a medium-sized way, the next big thing. Which, of course, we were pleased to see. As longtime readers know, we are unwavering advocates of the 40mm maximum, observing it more faithfully than we do speed limits, point spreads, and suggested burrito microwave times.

Unfortunately, it's going to take more than a single NYT article to change some hearts and minds. Proving that toolbaggery is a timeless force, impervious to good taste and the vagaries of changing fashion alike, Arnold Schwarzenegger is threatening to release a new line of comically oversized wristwatches. Needless to say, skulls will be involved.

For aging bodybuilders whose failing eyesight necessitates a clock-sized face, but whose forearms remain powerful enough to hoist such an oversized load, we can see how these timepieces might be helpful in maintaining a precisely calibrated creatine dosing schedule. But at what cost to overall aesthetics? If you fall into this demographic, we still encourage you to get a smaller watch — your body may wither but your style will flourish. And in the long run, only style stands the true test of time.



Hot Toddy

  • 2 shots cognac (or high-quality brandy)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • hot water to taste

Put this all in a warmed glass and stir until the honey dissolves. Garnish with a twist of lemon.

In-Depth Hot Toddy Coverage:

The Clear and Present Danger of the Holidays


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